Massachusetts Muslims Endorse Grossman

Massachusetts Muslims Endorse Grossman

Massachusetts Muslims Endorses candidate for several poisitions for next Tuesday primary

Steve Grossman is currently our State Treasurer. During his run for treasurer in 2010, he was keen to meet with the Muslim community. A leading member of the Muslim community in western Massachusetts hosted a meet-and-greet for Steve. In spring 2010 he visited the Islamic Center in Wayland. As treasurer he held a round table discussion with Muslim business leaders at the American Islamic Council. When he began his run for governor he was again hosted by a Muslim community leader from Lexington for a meet and greet. Steve has visited the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center and this past July visited the Islamic Center in Cape Cod during Ramadan where he shared Iftar with the members. As treasurer, Steve Grossman has kept every one of his campaign promises, and under his leadership Massachusetts enjoys a strong bond rating. He has had a major role in party leadership serving as chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party and also the Democratic National Committee. 

Mike Lake is a talented individual, bright articulate and well educated.  He worked in the Clinton White house as a Special Assistant for White House Operations. Today Mike is President and CEO of Leading Cities where he and city leaders from across the nation and around the world seek solutions to challenges faced by communities. He is promoting Massachusetts as a gateway for international businesses to bring jobs and investments. In July 2013 Mike visited the Islamic Center Wayland during Ramadan where he shared Iftar with the members. Mike was born in Melrose and today lives in Boston.

Warren Tolman is a former legislator having served in both chambers of the Massachusetts legislature. He was elected to the Massachusetts House in 1990 and then to the Massachusetts Senate in 1994. As a legislator he worked to tighten campaign finance laws and ethics statutes.  He was a leader in the movement to curb tobacco use and oppose the political influence of the cigarette industry. He has been endorsed by the four most recent former Attorneys General of Massachusetts. Warren Tolman has been sympathetic to the concerns of religious minority groups and has stood up for the underrepresented. He has pledged to take on the NRA to implement smart gun technology to protect our communities. Warren is from Watertown.

Tom Conroy is currently the State Representative of the 13th Middlesex. He was first elected in 2006 unseating a 10-year incumbent. Tom's district includes the Islamic Center in Wayland, which he has visited on several occasions including the ten year anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. Tom also visited the Islamic Center in Wayland during the spring of 2011 where he gave a presentation on healthcare finance reform, a committee he was co-chairing at the time. More recently as chair of Labor and Workforce Development, Tom was able to get passage of the Minimum Wage bill that was signed into law by the Governor. Tom has worked in private sector as a risk manager helping states around the nation leverage opportunities and raise non-tax revenue, and has worked with dozens of private firms to help them grow and create new jobs. Tom lives in Wayland with his wife and four daughters.

The above endorsements are offered by Democratic State Committee members:
Nazda Alam    Parwez Wahid


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